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Why Choose us

Due to the empathy we have developed with the entrepreneur's ideals and the exempt position that we report in our analyzes ... after all, Brazil is not for amateurs!

Because deep down we are the entrepreneur himself thinking ... wanting to reduce his
uncertainties ... So, with technical analysis and business bias, we only measure the business risk and eventually propose adjustments that optimize the central idea and, in fact, there is no choice, because at that moment we are one, but partnership and synergy around an idea that starts to be worked together, by four hands.

Ellu's bias, like that of the entrepreneur, is expansionist - rather than contractive - in the generation and conduct of business.

This is all achieved from the 30 years of experience we have accumulated through performance
in the market and excellence in the multidisciplinary professional training of its employees
analysts, associated with the synergistic and constant incorporation of know-how and expertise of hundreds of entrepreneurs who, with their cases, enrich and expand our day-to-day activities.
knowledge. Exponential feedback that benefits both parties.

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