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Business Financial Intelligence

Review of the original business model and that, after some time or observed relevant changes, demands adaptation to new and future times. Rules of the game are constantly changing and business models need to be rethought as a way to guarantee their viability and continuity in the market.


Work carried out for the Multicrédito Group containing studies that will allow you to track your Digital Transformation in order to ensure and optimize the delivery of your value proposition to the market. Work in the process of structuring to reflect Brasil Senior's proposal.

Case: in 2000, the TAC Group had 12 stores spread across Rio de Janeiro and, under the guidance of external consultants, decided to close 2 of them, which in its evaluation, were not profitable. It was desired to stay only with the profitable ones. However, the result of the measure was turning former profits into losses. It is that the decrease in sales units without reducing fixed costs will lead to dividing the value by a smaller number of units. Therefore, the solution proposed by ellu was just the opposite. Increase the number of stores to relativize the weight of fixed costs. With that, old nonprofits became profitable. Based on this guidance, the TAC Group will increase the total number of profitable stores to 50.

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